Recap: Who was Joseph Smith?

joseph smoth[dropcaps]J[/dropcaps]oseph Smith was the founder of Mormonism, referenced formally as founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a teenager, Smith began experiencing visions in Palmyra, NY, and at the age of 22 he translated one of his visions into the Book of Mormon. He led converts to Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois. Imprisoned for treason after his efforts to silence Mormon dissenters led to mob violence, he was murdered by a lynch mob that stormed the jail. His work was continued by Brigham Young.

Mormons are also referenced as Latter-day Saints or LDS. The term “Mormon” was coined in 1830 by Joseph Smith from the supposed prophet Mormon, who Smith credits as the the author of the Book of Mormon. More mon, meaning from English more + Egyptian mon “good.”



[heading style=”subheader”]The Facts[/heading]

Name: Joseph Smith
Who: Religious leader, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Date of birth: December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont
Date of death: June 27, 1844 in Carthage, Illinois






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