Huffington Post Crowdsourcing #ReligionDoingGood Charity Stories

helping-homeless-thumb[dropcaps]I[/dropcaps]nstead of focusing on a war, scandal or corruption story, the Huffington Post initiates a campaign to gather 100 great examples of different religions doing good with hashtag #ReligionDoingGood. In an effort to make the activity a norm instead of a trend, Religio is helping to promote this across all religions and beliefs. Do your part and spread the good, not just in words but in deeds…

Huffington Post Crowdsourcing #ReligionDoingGood Charity Stories (via World Religion News)

The Huffington Post is crowdsourcing examples of religious groups who are helping the world with the hashtag #ReligionDoingGood on Twitter. Beginning last week, @HuffPostRelig has been tweeting a request: “.@HuffPostRelig is looking for 100 great…

4 thoughts on “Huffington Post Crowdsourcing #ReligionDoingGood Charity Stories”

  1. Sereniti_Lucas

    “If the sky that we look upon
    Should tumble and fall
    All the mountains should crumble to the sea
    I won’t cry, I won’t cry
    No, I won’t shed a tear
    Just as long as you stand, stand by me”

    Such beautiful lyrics encompassing such powerful sentiments. This a great thing Huffington POst is doing. Now if only everyone else can pay attention…

  2. tx for posting this religio (: lets keep the chain going. spread the good everybody! God bless <3


  3. I just saw this on the Huffington Post the other day. In my opinon, whether it’s your religion that moves you to do good work, or your secular ideologies that drive you to be a positive example, this world regardless needs more positive acts and good deeds being done everyday. What can be done about that?

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