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Nations Await 2014’s World Youth Day

Last year, more than five million youth gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to participate in the Pope’s World Youth Day. It’s a day for the

Moscow Monks Stand in Prayer for Nonviolence

[dropcaps]M[/dropcaps]onks from the Kiev Monastery of the Caves stood as peacemakers between two opposing political sides during a protest held at the parliamentary house in Kiev,

Recap: Who was Joseph Smith?

[dropcaps]J[/dropcaps]oseph Smith was the founder of Mormonism, referenced formally as founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a teenager, Smith began experiencing

Finding God Behind Bars

Albert Einstein once said, “Never lose a holy curiosity,” and that was debatably the mantra running through the mind of New York-based photographer Serge J-F. Levy

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