2014 Predictions: Top 3 Religious Influences

the crucific - catholicism trend

By Justin L.

[dropcaps]A[/dropcaps]s the final moments of the year 2013 tick away, the countries of the world eagerly anticipate for the clock to strike zero; as we move away from the old year, we greet the incoming year with open arms and endless ideas of possibility. When the new year approaches, some things that do not seem to quite move away immediately are the memories of the past year. We think back about the accomplishments during the previous year, but also how the fresh year can create opportunities to improve and build upon potential ideas for success. As we look back upon the advancements of numerous religious aspects and figures, this new year cannot fully progress without some sort of predictions of how this year will be better than the last. Here, we chose three. Why three? Because some of the greatest memories come in three’s, from your favorite childhood tricycle to the number of wishes the genie grants.

1). Pope Francis’ continuous influence on not only Catholicism, but for the rest of the world

The election of a new pope often comes with anticipation; little did not only the Catholic church, but the entire globe know how much of an impact the day March 13, 2013 would be for society. Pope Francis’ heart reaches out to all ends of the world, with bold and dynamic proclamations that speak out to all walks of faith, from Protestants, to Muslims, and even to the non-religious. This very purpose may be what the world is seeking for: a way for different religions and backgrounds to understand each other with tolerance and love.

 2). The influence of the growth of Sikhism into society

Sikhism, currently one of the fastest-growing religions in the world, is quickly starting to gain the world’s attention. With huge advancements of Sikh presence in our society today, such as the prime minister of India Manmohan Singh openly declaring his Sikh faith, and prospering communities of Sikh spanning from India to Britain to the United States, it won’t be long before the impact Sikhism can place into the world’s culture will headline in all areas. With a philosophy and teaching rooted in equality of all sorts of backgrounds, the importance of human life, and defending against injustice, this year will truly reveal the potential impact that Sikhism can present for the world.

 3). The influence of the philosophy of the secular world versus the philosophy of the nonsecular world

No matter who we are, whether we acclaim a religious background or not, we all are searching for one thing throughout our lives on this planet: a universal truth. As truth has been sought out, different beliefs and philosophies may have crashed and collided. However, with prominent religious humanitarians attempting to reach out to the global society as a whole, regardless of religious background or faith, a trend is growing within our world: to set aside differences and to understand the similarities that we share, coming together with a common agreement. As we continue to seek after these elemental truths in 2014, it won’t be long before the influence of the philosophy of the secular and nonsecular worlds will prove to be enlightening for us. After all, a belief system that we all share is this: that this life we live is precious, and to search for its origin is essential in understanding life.


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