Chris Pratt On Faith and Religion


By Dahlia Lewis — [dropcaps]T[/dropcaps]here is no actor hotter in Hollywood right now than Chris Pratt. Fresh off the astounding successes of Guardian of the Galaxy, Parks and Recreation, The Lego Movie, and the summer blockbuster hit, Jurassic World—the third highest-grossing film of all time, Pratt is now a highly sought after leading man and has a burgeoning career to look forward to.

But beyond the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, Pratt remains grounded and owes his success not to his talent or by happenstance, but to his belief in God.  There are a number of celebrities who proudly proclaim their personal religion to the public, and Pratt is one of them. He openly shares his real life experiences, which are credited to strengthening his Christian faith.

In Esquire, Pratt recalled about a particular encounter he had at the age of 19, where a man approached him near a liquor store and told him, “I stopped because Jesus told me to stop and talk to you. He said to tell you you’re destined for great things.” Then a month later, a director spotted Pratt and helped him snag a role in a horror film, and that’s where his acting career began.

Then came his entrance into fatherhood, which he says tightened the grip on his faith. In an interview with ABC News, he shares about a frightening experience back in 2012, where his wife, actress Anna Faris, gave birth to their son Jack nine weeks prematurely. As a result, their son had to be in intensive unit care for about a month, and that period pushed the couple to seek after God.

As Pratt shared, “We were scared for a long time. We prayed a lot. [But] it restored my faith in God, not that it needed to be restored, but it really redefined it.”

The experience only gave Pratt more reason to place his family even above an acting career. As he states, “the big picture is my wife and my son and I living somewhere other than L.A., just being able to be a Boy Scout leader, drink beer on Saturday, go to church on Sunday, having fun.”

But the love he practices through his faith extends to not just his family but to his fans who really value what he has to say. Unlike most stars who use social media to promote their current projects or the perks of the Hollywood scene, Pratt reaches out to his followers with Bible verses and snippets of his testimony.

Much like the characters of strength and camaraderie that he plays in films, Pratt demonstrates the same fervor when it comes to sharing about his Christian faith and reveals the impact religion can have on one’s life.







3 thoughts on “Chris Pratt On Faith and Religion”

  1. The story from when he was 19 is so interesting…It’s very hard for me to believe that Jesus would tell a guy to tell another guy passing him on the street that he’s destined for something great (which turns out to be a famous acting career)…I don’t think Jesus would ever consider that great or that he even works in such a way. But i find it extremely interesting when people have these “epiphanies” and wonder who is really talking to them.

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